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There is a wealth of science that demonstrates why retailers should invest in scent marketing. Human psychology place great value on the sense and links it quickly and deeply to positive memories so we can repeat those experiences or negative memories to avoid them. Backing this biological process with our other senses that add context, retailers have a recipe to develop positive brand experience.
The science behind scent marketing does not only have to do with research — major retailers like Nike say that scent marketing in retail stores “increased intent to purchase by 80%.” In another real-world scent marketing experience, the smell of fresh-brewed coffee at a gas station increased coffee sales by 300%.

Scents have been also proven to lure customers to stay in retail spaces longer and browse more, feel the quality and become familiar.
So, How to Utilize Scent Marketing.
Support Your Efforts with Scent Research
Your shop may not have the resources of Nike to create custom scents, but that doesn’t mean you can’t benefit from the research and findings that the big guys funded. Read to find clues on how scents can help to attract the right audience for your products and services. Some interesting keys from ScentAir research include:
Well-received ambient scents can positively guide purchase behavior if the scent seems to match the products in the store. (so pick a scent that makes sense for your brand).
Gender-based scents seem to play a role as well. A “feminine” scent in a women’s clothing store helps create positive purchase intent.
Keep the season in mind when creating scentscapes. In summer, peppering stores with scents that remind consumers of the beach while playing active music produces positive consumer outcomes